Meaning and full form of PCOD

PCOD refers to the Poly cyst Ovary Disease. It happens when in the women ovary cyst caused and ovaries get affected. This caused due to the unbalancing of the hormones.  Reproductive organs of human body produce relaxin, inhibin and male hormones, and when the amount if male hormone increase and produced by the body more than its requirement and this is what we called PCOD.

Near about 12% of women suffering from PCOD in this world.  It mainly happens after delivery.  It directly impacts the irregular menstrual cycle. Sometimes it won’t stop once started and sometimes it got missed. Women got stuck in such a bad condition after having PCOD.


What is PCOS?

PCOS refers to the Poly Cyst Ovary Syndrome; it generally affects the women’s at their reproductive age.  It associated with the kind of long term disease. In this PCOS the level of generated male hormone in the body is much more than The PCOD and infertility occurs.  Overall it cannot be cured as it is a chronic disease. Conversely, the health and the symptoms can be better or improved with the change in lifestyle, like having accordingly diet, treatment for curing infertility and medications etc. If its ignored it caused some serious problem like acne heart and diabetes mainly of type 2.

As we have above read about PCOD vs PCOS and we got know like these diseases are not to be ignored and curing can be adopted. We can consume healthy diet and the best diet which is suitable for our body.

Symptoms of PCOD

Every disease has starting symptoms, little changes in body and health tells us there is something wrong going. When it comes to PCOD one can improve their help status by taking good and healthy as according to the problem. A suitable diet can control the growing PCOD. A right, healthy and nutritive diet also stops wait. One must have to pay attention when you go through these symptoms:

Irregular periods: this is one of the main symptoms of PCOD as menstruation cycle is improper. There is no regularity at all. Sometime the period gap ranges from 2-6 months.

Gap between menstruations:  woman starts missing their periods during PCOD. Sometimes they missed it for a month or for few months.

Heavy menstruation flow: either periods did not come or when it happens too much bleeding is caused which makes the women feel weakness.

Higher androgen: when the level of male hormone in woman’s body is increased it is call androgen, and this is one of the main reasons behind the causing of PCOD. The increase of male hormone also lead to many other problems like acne, growth of hairs on face, upper arms, back area, breast, chin, etc. skin darkening, weight gaining and so on.

Cyst in the ovaries: it enlarges the size of ovary and makes the several sacs grow which are filled with the fluids grow inside the ovary. These sacs have immature eggs which cannot be ovulate.


Best Food to cure PCOD

There are several types of food to eat in this world. With the growing technology now one can eat what he desire. Now there is availability of all the seasonal and non-seasonal food. But still we have taken a good and healthy diet which makes us fit & fine. Likewise in PCOD and PCO one has to take proper diet. Here we are going to mention some good food for Pcod. If you are gaining food then you can follow our diet food for Pcod mention below:

Food rich in fiber: PCOD mainly tend to cause diabetes because decreases the insulin level. So, fibrous foods help in neutralize the sugar level.  It includes cauliflower, beans, lentils, whole wheat and its bread, brown rice etc.

Healthy food with fats:  it mainly includes the nuts like walnut, almonds, flaxseeds, chia seeds and Avocados. This is completely a vegetarian diet which is good for all.

Carbohydrates with low GI: taking low GI carbohydrates in diet appears really good as it regulates the blood and blood sugar easily. It gives you enough energy throughout the day as it digests slowly. Like sweet potatoes, steel cut oats, whole grain pasta etc.

Antioxidants fruits: along with the berries, cherries and other colorful fruits offers your body a natural process of detoxification and gives enough strength to cells of body.

Leafy Vegetables: including green leafy vegetables in diet is must for all the people, as it balances the hormones and the leafy vegetables are rich in iron and vitamins. Such veggies are spinach, kale, and broccoli.

Other foods: it includes all the things with calcium, like milk, soya milk, plant passed milk, herbal teas etc.

Food to avoid:

Many other eatbles are there which seems hazardous to one’s health with PCOD and PCOS such as

  • Processed and packaged food
  • Consumption of more caffine
  • Sugary drinks
  • Meat (red meat)
  • More sweetened food



  1. How can I lose weight fast with PCOD?

You have to consume oil-free food, soaked nuts, and leafy veggies in your diet which keeps you energetic and helps in losing weight. You should also perform yoga and exercise as well.

  1. Which food is best for PCOD?

The best food for PCOD problem is fibrous rich food, high protein food, low GI carbohydrates, dairy product alternatives, green vegetables especially leafy veggies,  nuts,  colorful fruits etc.

  1. Which drink is best for Pcod?

One must have to consume soya milk, plant based milk, green tea and other herbal tea.

  1. How I can solve my PCOD problem?

Best way to treat the PCOD problem is to take healthy diet which include best food for pcod problem, medications, perform yoga, exercise, treatment for curing menstruation and infertility. This helps in getting rid of Pcod problem.

Hope, this helps you in having a better lifestyle and curing of PCOD and other health issues related to PCOD. Follow the above mention diet and pay proper attention towards the PCOD because if it gets ignored it takes you to the next stage of chronic stage called PCOS .



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