What is a headache?

Headache refers to feeling pain in the head or face. It is the most common ache that everybody faces in their lives during their work in schools, colleges, offices, and while doing household chores. It is just one name headache but there are different types of headache. It’s not a disease nor dangerous, but can few types of headaches cause unbearable pain and lead to serious conditions. So, it is good if you cure them as soon as it’s possible.

What is a headache

Types of headache

There are different types of headaches and they are categorized into two categories such as primary and secondary headaches:

different type of headache

  • Primary headache: 

Primary headaches can caused due to performing over-activity and dysfunction. These causes can’t state that you need to take treatment because some people have primary headaches due to their genes. Primary headaches include:

  1. Tension type headache:  This headache is the main headache which is caused normally when somebody feels tension about future happenings or performing extra work, poor sleep, working late at night, hunger, etc. can cause tension headache.
  2. Cluster Headache: it is also known as a recurring headache. As it is not only severe but occurs many times in a day. This pain will last from 15 minutes to 180 minutes. Mainly people get several attacks of this headache in a day. The main symptoms of cluster headache are swollen eyelids, running and blocked nose, water in eyes, and redness. There are different types of headaches but cluster headache mainly affects males. It comes without any symptoms and stays for weeks and sometimes for months.
  3. Migraine Headache: In Migraine headache one suffers from intense or unbearable pain on a particular or single side of the head. A person starts feeling pain when he comes under sunlight, hears loud sounds, and hard fragrance. One can also suffer from nausea and vomiting. People having migraine get disturbed visually by partial loss of vision, weakness in muscles, hard to finding and speaking words.

 Anybody suffering from these symptoms then go to a doctor and consult immediately.

Spinal headache:and Thunderclap headache:

  • Secondary Headache

These headaches are not dangerous but demand treatment if you can’t take treatment then they become serious such as:

  1. Sinus headache
  2. Dehydration headache
  3. Overuse of medication headache

Two more headaches are there which appear serious and categorized under secondary headaches are:

  1. Spinal headache: this is considered to be an extreme headache, it happens during the leakage of the spinal fluid from the membrane that surrounds the spinal cord. Some can be easily cured at home but when it’s stayed longer or ignored then it mainly creates a life-threatening situation.
  2.  Thunderclap headache: this type of headache confers one with unbearable and intense pain that comes unexpectedly, as same as thunderclap. Within a minute the pain reaches its peak and stays for 5-7 minutes at least. Medical attention is necessary for such pain. It is caused due to injury in the head, severe pain in hypertension, and bleeding in the brain.

There are different types of headaches but the most common headaches are migraine and tension headache. These headaches are faced by everyone in their lives. headache also caused by some hormonal imbalance read:https://easyfitlife.in/pcod-vs-pcos/  and If anyone facing a secondary type of headache then don’t ignore it and take the doctor’s advice.




1.How to get rid of headache?

  • Using caffeine
  • Good sleep
  • Massaging head
  • Eat ginger
  • Pain killer
  • Aromatherapy

2. Can we treat the headache?

If you are having bearable pain in your head then you can simply take a painkiller and it will help you. Otherwise, you may have to visit a doctor.

3. Is a headache caused by stress?

Stress, tension, and overthinking are the main factors that cause tension type of headaches because they pressure your brain.

4. How headache can be triggered by lifestyle?

Headache can also be caused due to a poor lifestyle consuming alcohol, certain foods, smoking, poor sleep, change in weather, bright lights, loud sound, etc.

5. Is headache hereditary?

Yes, headaches are, many people face headaches due to their parents’ genes or we can say the family history.

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